Bus drivers have it hard, having to deal with kids day in and day out, even during summertime. Kernell Watson, former Hazelwood school bus driver, knows the bus driving field first hand.
Watson has seen many things in his time as a bus driver. He enjoyed picking up students from high school as well as well as middle and elementary school. The most delightful school level to pick up in Watson’s opinion is actually both elementary and high school students. His reasons are similar for each.
“When you build a good rapport with students, they can be very loving. Saying good morning to a student even if they don’t say it back, can still impact them without them even knowing.” Watson said.
Having to regularly spend time with children who aren’t his can be challenging. Watson spends his mornings grabbing his keys and heading out for the morning and his afternoons are very similar. Watson spends his free time working on other things and he even enjoys motorcycling. It also tires him to have to drive for a long period of time.
“Sometimes the drive can be the equivalent of driving from here to Springfield. Imagine having to drive that far everyday!” Watson said.
With the rate of turnover and burnout in education, many professionals people have backup plans for their careers. but Watson was not one of those people.
“I never really had a backup plan. I invest in properties so I guess that is a backup.” Watson said.
Crazy things happen in everyday life so there is no exception when it comes to being with kids on the daily. Watson has seen some pretty astonishing things while driving the bus. unhinged events. Even so, Watson enjoys so many aspects of his job. He enjoys being a mentor to kids and showing them that all adults aren’t bad.
“Sometimes there are bus drivers who aren’t as nice so if I can show a kid that adults can be there as a source of help, then that’s what I’ll do.” Watson said.
Watson lives by the joys of making life better and easier for the students he drives around.