Many people take naps for different reasons. Whether it be to improve their mood, improve performance, or to help them remember things from earlier that day, who doesn’t love a good nap. Naps make people feel recharged and relaxed, but is that always the case? Do naps only make us feel better, or is there a darker side to napping?
Student Input:
“I take naps to recharge, but most kids probably take them for a mental break.” Senior, Kennedi Bryant said.
“I take naps because I get tired. Most kids probably take them because they are stressed.” Junior, Brooklyn Rao said.
“I take naps because I’m tired of school and my bed is comfy. Kids probably do not get enough sleep at night, so they take naps.” Freshman, Chase Anderson
“I take naps when I am bored or am tired from practice. If I could guess I would say people take naps to free their mind, relieve stress, or because they are stressed in general.” Sophomore, Brian Lewis said.
“Naps help me get my brain going. I sleep in my first period, then that helps me gain energy. People probably take naps to gain energy as well.” Senior, Kaden Pridemore said.
Based on the feedback from students above, naps can be used as mental escapes and stress relievers. When battling a poor mental state it is normal to only want to sleep to try and take your mind off of things. Naps allow people to finally feel at peace, which is why so many people take them. Though, naps cannot always be the solution. I take naps when I get exhausted to the point where I cannot keep my eyes open, but I also take them when I am sad or angry. Overall, naps are used for many different reasons. Some good, some bad. We may never know the real truth behind them, but that does not mean the secret will go unspoken of or talked about.