The Student News Site of Hazelwood West High School

Wildcat Post

Wildcat Post

The Student News Site of Hazelwood West High School

Wildcat Post

Teacher Spotlight: Laura Neeter


Ms. Laura Neeter is being recognized due to her success as a teacher at Hazelwood West High School. Neeter has been teaching for a total of 22 years, starting at West last year. Neeter has a way of making her students feel warm and welcome each time they enter the classroom. 

 In high school, Neeter was inspired by her teachers which helped shape her decision about teaching. Neeter knew who she wanted to be and who she didn’t want to be as a teacher. 

“It has just always felt like where I belong.” Neeter said. 

In high school, Neeter took a cadet class that allowed her to shadow a teacher which sparked her love for teaching. Soon after she attended Truman, Neeter knew what she needed to do. Originally planning to teach theater, Neeter was given an opportunity of a lifetime: a full time position to teach English, Public Speaking, and Debate. This experience inspired her to continue pursuing English as her main content.  

“My goal was to always teach English,” Neeter said.  

When Ms. Neeter was student teaching, the teacher she was working with said, ‘Don’t ever try to figure out what your hourly rate of pay would be because you would make 25 cents an hour.’ 

Neeter could work 24/7 and she would still never get everything done. She says teaching can be consuming and it’s harder being a single parent. Her kids have to sacrifice a good chunk of their time with her because she needs to get her work done. Neeter is a single parent with four kids and outside of school she chauffeurs her kids around for their various activities. She usually brings work home for her to grade or she will have planning to do or materials to create.

 “It all revolves around my kiddos.” Neeter said. 

The hardest part of teaching for Neeter is the discipline portion that comes with the job. This is because she didn’t want to go into teaching thinking about giving the consequences. 

“We want to go into this because we want to help children, or teens, or we like the age group that we teach, we really like the material that we teach and we want to pass that along.” Neeter said. 

The best part about teaching to her is that she gets to read, and gets to talk about reading and she hopes for her students to like reading or get better at reading. She loves to make connections with her students which she states is her favorite part of her job and she likes to get to know them as people. 

“I have always been good at communicating and explaining things to people and I love people… I found that when students can find themselves in what we’re doing, they are much more likely to put the effort in that they need to.” Neeter said. 

Neeter comes to school everyday with the mindset of thinking it’s a new chance. A new day to start fresh. 

“Doing this for 22 years, I still get excited to come to work everyday and I think that’s a pretty rare thing.” Neeter said. 

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About the Contributor
Danielle Scantlan
Danielle Scantlan, Staff Writer
Name: Danielle Scantlan  Grade: Sophomore, 10 I am in choir but no extracurriculars but I will be in concerts.  I like to play volleyball non-competitively, I like to color, I like to be outside a lot, I love to listen to music, I like to watch videos on animals. I am excited about the newspaper because I think it will be a new experience and something new to try. This does get me out of my comfort zone but I am excited because I think it will be fun. I am the only sophomore in my class but that doesn't bother me because everyone seems nice and welcoming and there's not a lot of people. I do have social anxiety and that is why this is out of my comfort zone but I am always willing to try new things and I am very ready and excited to see what this class will bring to me. I really like trying new things and that is why I decided to stay in the class. I was scared at first but now I am looking forward to it more. I also really like to write and I especially love to write something based on research and that is what this class is so working for the newspaper will be fun because I get to research. That brings me to my next point because I love to do research on all things and now I get to do it for the school. I am thrilled to be telling people about our school and the good things and bad things that come with it. I can't wait to start getting articles written so I can share with everyone. 
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  • J

    JafariSep 12, 2023 at 8:58 pm

    What a well-written story on a teacher who truly, truly loves what she does. The journalist of this article did an impeccable job painting an authentic picture of Ms. Neeter, truly bringing her to life for those who don’t know her. Well done!

    We scored when we got Ms. Neeter to come teach at West High School!
