The Student News Site of Hazelwood West High School

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The Student News Site of Hazelwood West High School

Wildcat Post

Guiding The Way


The Counseling Department at West High School exemplifies unwavering support and dedication to the holistic development of their students. The department serves as a pillar of guidance, offering a listening ear, mentorship, and academic assistance to students throughout their high school journey and beyond. 

The unwavering dedication of the counseling serves as a testament to the vital role counselors play in shaping the future of young minds. Their commitment to fostering holistic growth and providing unwavering support underscores the invaluable contribution of counseling departments in educational institutions.

Ms. Scott, a counselor, finds fulfillment in guiding students through the maze of high school and preparing them for the challenges of life beyond graduation. She tirelessly supports students from enrollment to commencement, extending her assistance to parents as well. Ms. Scott emphasizes the importance of patience, empathy, and genuine care for others as essential qualities for effective counseling. 

Similarly, Dr. Na Jeana Henderson shares a passion for empowering the younger generation. Drawing from her own experiences, she strives to be the mentor she once needed during her high school years. Dr. Henderson is particularly passionate about facilitating access to post-secondary education, ensuring that every student has a plan upon exiting the school gates. However, she acknowledges the challenges of navigating budget constraints and logistical hurdles, such as arranging transportation for campus visits. Despite these obstacles, they have implemented impactful initiatives to enrich students’ educational experiences. For instance organized visits to various campuses, including SIUE, Mizzou, and Truman State University, exposing students to diverse academic environments and opportunities as well as college fairs, Scholarships 

A Senior at West Iwinosa E specifically Henderson has been a huge help with her because he’s had counselors that won’t really be there or give in to help in the time of need. Henderson was always there and ready to help and give you new ideas even in times of stress feeling overwhelmed. She continues to give more opportunities and which you can shine and succeed with. In terms of a counselor she will always have an open ear to listen and always here to empower you and never to bring you down. And what dreams you have are never too big. She will advise you to always keep going and never to give up and just look at your failure but your accomplishments.

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