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The Student News Site of Hazelwood West High School

Wildcat Post

Top and Least Rated Restaurants in Hazelwood

Top and Least Rated Restaurants in Hazelwood

Everyone in the world loves to go out to eat with their family or loved ones. There are a multitude of restaurants here in Hazelwood that serve food everyone loves. Some restaurants are more recommended than other restaurants are. 

Best Places: 

Mediterranean Cuisine

Has a 4.5 rating and is one of the more recommended places to eat on Google Reviews. This restaurant serves vegetarian food and they also have meat options. While they have meat they also have a multitude of diverse eats. The most reviewed food items are the hummus and the lamb chops. Reviews have said that this place has wonderful service and delicious food. 


China Peace

Also has a 4.5 rating which focuses on the serving of Chinese food. This place serves appetizers, soup, vegetables and more. There are a multitude of options that it would be impossible for someone not to find something they like. Their most reviewed food items are fried rice and chicken and everyone was very pleased with their food. 


La Norteña Mexican Restaurant

Has a 4.2 rating which isn’t as high but still as good. They serve breakfast, soups, fajitas, etc. This place is very prepared for if someone doesn’t want any of the diverse food they also have stuff that someone might want instead. Their most reviewed food items are their tacos and fajitas. They say how they have great staff and great food. 


Worst Places: 

Panda Express

Has a 3.7 rating and isn’t as high as the other because it is one of the lower ranked restaurants. Panda Express serves primarily Chinese food. There are reviews that say how there is slow service, there have also been reviews for burnt food and small portions of their food. People also think the food is overpriced for what they are getting. Overall those are just some of the ratings so you can find out what experience you will have. 


Captain D

Has a 3.6 rating. They serve mainly fish but they also have appetizers that aren’t fish. The reviews start by talking about the portion size. There are also occasions where they forgot part of someone’s order but that could happen anywhere. Someone complained saying their macaroni and cheese was old and overcooked. Reviews don’t describe everyone’s experience so you can find out if what these people said will happen to you. 


A & W

Has a 3.6 rating. They serve mainly American food. The reviews say how one person sat at a drive-thru waiting for someone to take their order and until the person said hello they didn’t say anything. Other reviews say how they don’t remember your order. The main problem for people is when the staff takes forever at the drive thru to get your order or how they aren’t good at remembering your order. This place honestly sounds like the worst out of all of them and doesn’t sound like it’s worth going to. 


After seeing all the reviews and ratings of these few but not only restaurants, go to them and see for yourself if these places are a fit for you or if the ratings are true. 


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About the Contributor
Danielle Scantlan
Danielle Scantlan, Staff Writer
Name: Danielle Scantlan  Grade: Sophomore, 10 I am in choir but no extracurriculars but I will be in concerts.  I like to play volleyball non-competitively, I like to color, I like to be outside a lot, I love to listen to music, I like to watch videos on animals. I am excited about the newspaper because I think it will be a new experience and something new to try. This does get me out of my comfort zone but I am excited because I think it will be fun. I am the only sophomore in my class but that doesn't bother me because everyone seems nice and welcoming and there's not a lot of people. I do have social anxiety and that is why this is out of my comfort zone but I am always willing to try new things and I am very ready and excited to see what this class will bring to me. I really like trying new things and that is why I decided to stay in the class. I was scared at first but now I am looking forward to it more. I also really like to write and I especially love to write something based on research and that is what this class is so working for the newspaper will be fun because I get to research. That brings me to my next point because I love to do research on all things and now I get to do it for the school. I am thrilled to be telling people about our school and the good things and bad things that come with it. I can't wait to start getting articles written so I can share with everyone. 
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