Black Flag is a household name in the world of punk rock. The punk giants came to St. Louis on March 19, 2024, and put together a memorable show.
The show consisted of two sets with a 15-minute intermission between the shows. The first set was the full sophomore album, “My War”, which lasted about 45 minutes because the guitarist, Greg Ginn, added more solos
to each riff. Ginn is the founding member and sole original member of the band. The vocalist, Mike Vallely, is a former professional skateboarder and has been the current vocalist for the past ten years. Vallely is usually known for being Black Flag’s most hated vocalist.
The second set consisted of Greatest Hits which lasted a little over 80 minutes, notable songs include Fix Me, Six Pack, Rise Above, TV Party, Black Coffee and most notably, Nervous Breakdown. The pit was in non-stop action during this set and I was an active member for most of its life.
At the show’s end, I was completely drenched in sweat, water and beer from head to toe. My shirt (which had holes before the show), was ripped off and only held together by the collar. The show was a fantastic time and created numerous memories for myself and the fans around.