Having a fear is something that everyone has either had or has. It is the belief that someone or something is dangerous. From Acrophobia (fear of heights) to Lygophobia (fear of darkness) to Arachnophobia (fear of spiders), everyone has their unique fears. Fears make people who they are and allow us to understand them personally. These are some of the fears here at West.
“Laughing to Death.” Freshman, Delaney Simms
“Murky water.” Sophomore, Logan Green
“Losing everyone I love and spiders.” Junior, Skye Burns
“Being alone in a crowd of men, random scary noises, talking in front of large crowds and large bodies of water.” Senior, Sydnee Patterson
“Forgetting everyone and everything .” Senior, Jack Hobson
“Being Forgotten.” Sophomore, Josh Climaco
“Becoming insane.” Senior, Daija Gray
As you can see, many of our classmates and friends have different fears that make them as individuals unique. My personal biggest fear that makes me unique is complete darkness or in other words, Nyctophobia. If I am in complete darkness, I go into panic mode. I often have panic attacks when in the dark, or I will try to get out of the dark quickly. Most wouldn’t expect something so silly to be my biggest fear, which is exactly what makes it so unique about me. Every person has some silly thing that makes them feel some type of way, but that doesn’t make them any less of a person. We are all the same in a way, and even though our fears may differ, at the end of the day we are only human.